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Moria, Greece—From the olive grove just outside the high cement wall—one topped with spirals of razor wire, enclosing one of Europe’s most infamous holding pens for asylum seekers—you can see all the way clear to the Aegean Sea, gray-blue in the distance. It’s a straight shot across the water to Turkey, just six miles away at the narrowest stretch, an ancient Dardanelles trade route.
Moria, on the Greek island of Lesbos, is a symbolic place—a hinge between the Middle East and Europe, the eye of the needle through which migrants must pass as they travel from east to west, a pressure point between Istanbul and Brussels. It is where the collateral damage of contemporary history—Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey—crosses the threshold into Europe.
From up close, Moria is a chaotic mass of humanity. Built to house about 3,000 people, it is now home to more than 13,000 (including an estimated 1,000 unaccompanied minors)—more than it has ever held. They wait, sometimes for more than a year, for the slow wheels of Greek bureaucracy to turn, to review their asylum applications, to send them to the mainland for a decision.
文本选自:The Atlantic(大西洋月刊)
作者:Rachel Donadio
原文标题:Greece’s Moria Refugee Camp Is a European Failure
以上就是2020年MBA考试考前英语外刊阅读(六)的全部内容。不仅为大家及时带来各种考试资讯还为大家提供2020年MBA考试动态 免费预约短信提醒哦。冲刺阶段一定要注意梳理掌握知识体系,查漏补缺,学会反思、善于总结,避免无所谓的丢分,重点解决会而不得分的问题。





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