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Boat building is a long-winded and tedious business, even when what is going down the slipway is a small craft made from modern materials such as fibreglass, rather than something nailed together out of planks of wood. Construct a mould. Build up layers of resin and glass fibre inside that mould. Extract the completed structure and finish it. All told, it can take months.
That, though, may soon change. For researchers at the University of Maine are now in the process of testing an 8-metre (25-foot) patrol boat that took just 72 hours to make from scratch. Their trick was to build the vessel using a giant 3d printer. Since they appeared in commercial form in the 1990s, 3d printers have generally been employed in factories to make small things like prototype models, components of jet-engines and dental crowns.
To print the patrol boat, part of an American army project, the team in Maine linked up with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, in Tennessee, which helped develop the printing process, and Ingersoll Machine Tools, in Illinois, which built the printer itself. The university reckons that for boat building, a common trade in the state, large 3d printers of this sort will dramatically cut the cost and time required to produce new vessels.
文本选自:The Economist(经济学人)
板块:Science and technology
原文标题:Giant 3D printers for making boats, bridges, buildings and rockets
不过,这种情况可能很快就会改变。缅因完美体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS的研究人员目前正在测试一艘8米(25英尺)长的巡逻艇,这艘巡逻艇从无到有只用了72个小时。他们的诀窍是用一个巨大的3D打印机来建造这艘船。自20世纪90年代3D打印机以商业形式出现以来,它通常被工厂用来制造小物件,比如原型模型、喷气发动机组件和牙冠。
为了打印巡逻艇,这是美军项目的一部分,缅因州的团队与田纳西州的橡树岭国家实验室进行了合作。橡树岭国家实验室帮助开发打印过程,伊利诺斯州的英格索尔机床公司自己制造打印机。该完美体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS认为,对于造船这一该州常见的行业而言,这种大型3D打印机将大幅削减制造新船的成本和时间。
以上就是2020年MBA考试考前英语外刊阅读(八)的全部内容。不仅为大家及时带来各种考试资讯还为大家提供2020年MBA考试 免费预约短信提醒哦。冲刺阶段一定要注意梳理掌握知识体系,查漏补缺,学会反思、善于总结,避免无所谓的丢分,重点解决会而不得分的问题。





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