
不仅为大家及时带来各种考试资讯还为大家提供2020年MBA考试动态 免费预约短信提醒哦。
China invited observers to a successful test Thursday of its Mars lander as the country pushes for inclusion in more global space projects. The demonstration of hovering, obstacle avoidance, and deceleration capabilities was conducted at a site outside Beijing simulating conditions on the Red Planet, where the pull of gravity is about one-third that of Earth's.
China plans to launch a lander and rover to Mars next year to explore parts of the planet in detail. China's burgeoning space program achieved a lunar milestone earlier this year by landing a probe on the mysterious far side of the moon. It has developed rapidly, especially since it conducted its first crewed mission in 2003 and has sought cooperation with space agencies from Europe and elsewhere.
China’s ambitions continue to grow as it seeks to rival the U.S., Russia, and Europe in space and cement its position as a regional and global power. It is gradually constructing its own larger, more permanent space station in which it has invited foreign participation. The lander on Thursday successfully avoided ground obstacles during a simulated low-gravity descent.
文本选自:The Christian American Monitor(基督教科学箴言报)
作者:Samuel McNeil
原文标题:China, pushing space exploration, tests Mars lander
以上就是2020年MBA考试考前英语外刊阅读(七)的全部内容。不仅为大家及时带来各种考试资讯还为大家提供2020年MBA考试 免费预约短信提醒哦。冲刺阶段一定要注意梳理掌握知识体系,查漏补缺,学会反思、善于总结,避免无所谓的丢分,重点解决会而不得分的问题。





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