



Para 1: 表明写作目的(给出建议)

Para 2:写明具体建议,2~3点。语气要客气礼貌。

Para 3: 感谢对方对信件的关注,希望建议对对方有帮助。


1. I am writing this letter for the purposeof making some suggestions concerning…

2. I am writing this letter to draw your attentionto the fact that …. I will try to make some conductive/ helpfulrecommendations concerning…

3. I would like to suggest that…

4. It would be beneficial that…

5. It is proposed/ suggested that…

6. In my humble opinion, you would be wiseto take the following action…

7. To begin with,… Also, …Plus,…

8. I hope you will find these proposalsuseful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you about furtherdetails.

9.Your prompt attention to this emailwould be highly appreciated.

10.I hope you will find theseproposals/suggestions/ recommendations practical.






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