


Para 1: 简要写明投诉的主要问题。

Para 2: 写明投诉原因、具体问题、解决方案或期望补偿方式。

Para 3: 写明个人联系方式,客套一下,象征性表示感谢。


1. I am writing to express my complaintagainst…

2. I am writing to complain about the poorservice of your…. Ihave been pleased with your services for years, but now I feel verydisappointed.

3. There are mainly two/three reasons formy dissatisfaction with…

4. For one thing… Foranother thing… What’smore…

5. 具体问题:faulty products/ bad service/ delayeddelivery/ loyal customer/ after-sale service/ customer service department…

6. I claim to exchange it for another newone or declare a refund.

7. I strongly request that a satisfactoryexplanation be given and effective measures should be taken to improve yourservice and the quality of your products.

8. It would be highly appreciated if youcould take my problems into careful consideration and give your due attention.

9. I am looking forward to your promptreply.






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