



Para 1:说明写作意图以及与收信人的关系。




1. I am writing this letter for the purposeof inviting you to…

2. I am writing on behalf of … toinvite you to give a lecture/ deliver a speech on the topic of …in…

3. It would be highly appreciated/ obligedif you could…

4. I am sure that it would be immenselybeneficial to all of us if you would consider giving us an update on this.

5. An appreciation dinner party will beheld by…at XX hotel on October 10, 2018.

6. Will you come and join s wo share thepleasure of …?

7. During your stay in our university, wewould like to offer you accommodation arrangements, which are free of charge,schedule planning and activity program.

8. I hope you have no previous engagementand we would meet there for the enjoyable evening.

9. We would highly appreciate it if youcould confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.

10.We would be looking forward to yourcoming with great pleasure.






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