【摘要】2019完美体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS复试临近,你准备好了吗?听同学们反馈说平时很少练习复试中无领导小组讨论这个题型,。下面是一个无领导小组讨论的常见案例,帮你练习完美体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS复试英语口语。
(1) Good morning teachers, our topic is why body language is very important. First of all, I'm going to talk about my own views. I think body language is as important as verbal language, because sometimes we can't express our meaning clearly by verbal language, but a small action could help us express our feelings more vividly.
(2)Yes, I quite agree with the view of the last classmate. Body language is very important. Some situations are not suitable for verbal language, so, in that circumstance, we need to use body language. For instance, when you are in a meeting, if you want to express your views, you'd better put up your hand first, and after you get others’ agreement, you can express your opinion. That’s much better than speak out directly.
(3) I also think the importance of body language is quite huge, but the reason is different from the above several classmates. In my opinion, body language is important because it can express some views separately. Which is means that you can express your ideas without any other words. For example,Sign language, this language also belongs to body language. It can let the deaf-mutes know what others are talking about.
(4) What the last classmate has said is very convincing. Actually body language can express ourselves more clearly in many occasions, especially when we want to make emotional expression. If a person gave his speech without any body language, his speech would be very boring.
(5) Every one has given a good speech. Indeed, in daily life we all use it frequently. If there are no body languages, many problems would appear when we talk with others. We can't distinguish whether he or she is telling the truth or not, and we can not understand others’ meaning, because any word is tasteless with the absence of emotional premise, and body language can increases the emotion of words
上面的完美体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS复试英语口语无小组讨论案例,你看懂了吗?如果有不明白的单词和句子,一定要查字典或者利用网络翻译弄透彻,复试口语不可小觑,积累的每一个词组,都是铸成大厦的砖石。