【摘要】19完美体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS初试已经结束,即将进入复试,关于复试的英语口语小伙伴儿们准备的怎么样了呢?今天整理了一个无领导小组讨论的常见案例,帮你练习完美体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS复试英语口语。
(1) Good morning teachers, our topic is about the culture difference between China and foreign countries. First of all,I'd like to talk about something about culture difference. As all we know, culture difference includes many aspects ,such as value system,the habits of using language, social etiquette, the sense of equality and so on. With the developing of China, it is everywhere and affects our daily life.
(2) Yes,I quite agree with the view of last classmate(I think you’re right.). When we deal with foreigners, the culture difference can be embodied easily. For example, in China, when you do something very good or make a big progress, others may say:“Congratulations!”. You may say:“ Not at all !(In Chinese: Nali, nali.)”. Actually, your real meaning is that you can do a better job, and which shows your modest, but foreign people will misunderstand your meaning. They may think you’re asking them your exact good performance in this event.
(3)Your presentation sounds quite interesting. I think this phenomenon is mainly caused by the habits of using language. I will give an example about marriage. In China, the bride and the bridegroom would dress in red clothes because they believe the red color represents good luck and happiness, meanwhile the wedding would be host in the bridegroom’s house. But in the aboard, the bride always wear her white wedding gown and their wedding will be hosted in the church. I also think this is a reflection of culture difference.
(4) What the last classmate has said is very great. I really agree with his idea. Besides,I will talk about another very important difference ---that is the sense of value. Chinese emphasize collectivism, but foreigners emphasize individualism. Chinese pay attention to modesty, but foreigners pay more attention to personal honor. I think this is the biggest difference between China and foreign countries.
(5) Every one has given a good speech. Indeed, there does exists the culture difference between China and foreign countries, but it’s these differences that strengthen the communication and promotes the development among them. I believe our world may become better in the future through culture exchanges.
上面的完美体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS复试英语口语无小组讨论案例,你看懂了吗?如果有不明白的单词和句子,一定要查字典或者利用网络翻译弄透彻,复试口语不可小觑,积累的每一个词组,都是铸成大厦的砖石。