


That's something that has stayed with the Queen all her life, and I think that's partly why she likes Kate, who's not afraid to wear the same dress twice, and is so patently not inthe ‘spend, spend, spend’ mould.


That's something(a)//that has stayed with the Queen all her life,(b)//and I think(c)// that's partly(d)//why she likes Kate,(e)//who's not afraid to wear the same dress twice, and is so patently not inthe ‘spend, spend, spend’ mould.(f)



f部分patently 从结尾的ly就可以判断词性为副词,但是去除ly的patent的意思貌似常见的是,作为名词,表示“专利”。那么这里到底怎么理解呢?patent除了做名词,还可以做形容词,表示“明显的,显而易见的”,比如“This was patent nonsense.”(这明显是胡说八道。)相当于obvious。因此这里的副词patently也就是等于obviously或者clearly. f部分mould注意拼写,拼写上注意区分would。Mould是名词,表示“模具;铸模”,比如“A clay mould is used for casting bronze statues.”(用黏土模具来浇铸青铜塑像。)当然这是本义,那么本句中是修饰人,所以意思表示“(独特)类型,个性,风格”,比如“a hero in the ‘Superman’ mould”( “超人”型的英雄)



【长难句原文】She’s a make-do-and-mend Queen The Queen has never been an extravagant person. She was 13 when World War II began, so her formative years were hugely shaped by growing up in the shadow of the conflict. The entire nation had to make sacrifices and while no one is suggesting the Royal Family had to slum it, Britain stood alone for a while against Germany, food was rationed and there was a real sense of make-do-and-mend. That’s something that has stayed with the Queen all her life, and I think that’s partly why she likes Kate, who’s not afraid to wear the same dress twice, and is so patently not in the ‘spend, spend, spend’ mould.








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