When his wife called him he made no reply, and she seemed to call him every ten seconds; the words ‘get up, get up’ were cracking all around him; they were bursting like bombs on the right hand and on the left of him; they were scattering from above and all around him, bursting upwards from the door, swirling, swaying, and jostling each other.
主语 he
adj. 向上的;上升的adv. 向上
这句话是由诸多分句构成,"When his wife called him he made no reply"这句话是一个复合句,"When his wife called him"是一个时间状语从句,"he made no reply"是主句。在"the words ‘get up, get up’ were cracking all around him"里面,主语"the words",‘get up, get up’应该是同位语,谓语部分是正在进行时"were cracking","all around him"是状语,用来修饰动作的。在"they were bursting like bombs on the right hand and on the left of him"里面,主语是"they",指的是前面他妻子说的那些words",谓语部分同样是正在进行时"were bursting","like bombs"算是个状语,而"on the right hand and on the left of him"其实就是形容,四周上下哪里都是,是一个比较形象的说法。最后一个句子"they were scattering from above...",主语是"they",谓语部分还是正在进行时"were scattering","from above and all around him"可看成状语,后面的"bursting upwards..."和"swirling, swaying, and jostling each other",你可以把它看成是现在分词作状语,逻辑主语是主句中的"they"。至于"she seemed to call him every ten seconds",结构就很简单了,同学们应该能自己分析清楚。
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