完美体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS英语词汇通过分类和类比记忆,能够把同类词放到一起,加深记忆。小编整理总结分类、类比词汇记忆,下面我们来看2019完美体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS英语词汇:128个熟词僻意词整理<1>,一起来看看吧。
1.administrate v.实施,执行;给予,投(药)
administrate rites/administrate drugs/ administer justice实施仪式/使用药物/执行审判
address this issue解决这个问题.
The president addressed the nation during the war.总统在战时对全国发表演讲。
3.air n.神气,架子
There is a high air in his tone.
on the air 用无线电传播
4.anchor n.主播 v. 抛锚泊船;把……固定住
She anchored the gig before it was too late.
5.appropriate vt. 擅用,挪用,占用,盗用
We have to appropriate more resource if we want to win.如果我们想赢的话,我们必需挪用更多的资源。
6.associate adj.(官职)副的 n. 同事,伙伴
He is pretty young as an associate professor.作为一个副教授来说,他很年轻。
7.balance n. 差额;结余,余款
We will check the balance sheet before we put any more money in your company.
8.bore v.钻(孔),挖(洞),打眼,钻探
I am bored from all the boring work.
9.boss v. 指挥,支配,发号施令
Don't boss me around.别指手画脚的。
10. combination” n. 化合物;密码
The combination is too hard to crack.
11. complex n. 行.联合体;情结
an iron and steel complex钢铁联合企业
inferiority complex自卑情绪
12. complication n. 复杂,纠纷;并发症; 混乱
The jury will have to reconsider the verdict because of certain complications involved.