

There may be a lot less than meets the eye to social media charges of gender discrimination against the Apple Card and its joint partners, Apple Inc. and Goldman Sachs—charges that went viral this weekend and continue to gain traction.

Although the secret nature of credit card algorithms at the heart of the dispute make it impossible to know for sure, experts believe less nefarious factors likely explain why the wives of two tech titans were given far lower credit limits than their husbands—and that the issues involved are not unique to Apple and Goldman Sachs but rather are common throughout the credit card industry.

A wife who is primarily a homemaker or who earns a lot less than her husband and lists only her own income on a card application may end up with a much lower credit limit even if she has an excellent credit score. A number of the negative Apple Card tweets alluded to this as an example of how the algorithm might inadvertently discriminate against women, who are more likely to make less money or not work outside the home than men.


作者:Diane Harris

原文标题:Apple Card Gender Bias? Don't Assume its Discrimination, Experts Warn










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