【2021MBA备考:英语晨读时间!完美体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS双语阅读“纽约停电现象”】

【摘要】小伙伴们,大家好!最近肺炎疫情肆虐,各位要保护好自己。MBA复试成绩基本都出来了,各个院校虽然会推迟复试时间,但是2021的考生可以提前了解一下完美体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS双语阅读,今天的内容是2021MBA备考:英语晨读时间!完美体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS双语阅读“纽约停电现象”。


Parts of midtown Manhattan were slowed to a crawl as a widespread power outage affecteda busy swath of New York City.


Some of the city's typically most bustling neighborhoods—including sections of the theaterdistrict, Times Square, and the Upper West Side—were left without power, and a number ofsubway lines were forced to either skip stations or halt operations.


Con Edison, the city's power supplier, said on Twitter it was responding to the situation, although for many residents and tourists trapped in the darkness, it was not responding quicklyenough.


As of late Saturday evening, the company's live outage map indicated some 724 outages, affecting more than 45,000 customers and growing.


New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said the outages were believed to be the result of a manhole fireearlier today. In an interview with CNN, he was quick to shoot down speculation that thedisruption was due to terrorism or another nefarious act.

纽约市长Bill de Blasio说此次停电是当天早些时候一处检修井起火所致,接受CNN采访时他立刻否定了这次停电涉及恐怖主义或犯罪活动的猜测。


Pictures and videos on social media showed befuddled crowds snaking along dark Manhattansidewalks as the hashtag #blackout trended on Twitter.


The blackout also affected a number of Broadway shows, with some theaters delaying theirproductions and halting admission, according to the Broadway League. Some casts later took itupon themselves to perform songs for fans outside the theaters.


Ironically, the incident took place on the anniversary of the famous New York City blackout of1977, as many Twitter observers pointed out.

讽刺的是,很多推特用户指出这次停电事故发生时正好是著 名的1977年纽约市停电纪念日。

今天2021MBA备考:英语晨读时间!完美体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS双语阅读“纽约停电现象”的内容就到这里啦,希望对2020MBA复试的考生有所帮助。





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