Kapur points out that while the model adopted by many teachers when introducing students to new knowledge providing lots of structure and guidance early on, until the students show that they can do it on their own makes intuitive sense, it may not be the best way to promote learning.
主语 Kapur
谓语 points out
宾语 that while the model adopted by many teachers when introducing students to new knowledge providing lots of structure and guidance early on, until the students show that they can do it on their own makes intuitive sense, it may not be the best way to promote learning
单词 | 音标 | 中文词意 |
adopt | [əˈdɔpt] | v. 收养,领养 |
guidance | [ˈɡaɪdəns] | n. 引导,指导 |
promote | [prəˈməʊt] | v.促进,推动;促销;晋升 |
这句话是主谓宾句型,主语和谓语都很好辨别,宾语则是一个较长的宾语从句,而且还是复合句,由"that"引导。宾语从句的状语从句主语是"the model",谓语是"makes",宾语是"intuitive sense"。"when introducing students to new knowledge providing lots of structure and guidance early on"以及"until the students show that they can do it on their own"全是时间状语从句,说的麻烦一点是宾语从句中的时间状语从句中的状语从句。宾语从句的主句是"it may not be the best way to promote learning"
这句话从结构上来讲是有一点繁琐。宾语从句是个复合句算是一个难点,尤其是宾语从句包含的状语从句,写的挺热闹,真正的主干实际上是--"the model makes intuitive sense",其他的全是分支结构,尤其是"adopted by many teachers"这一部分,实际上是个过去分词做后置定语,并不是真正的从句谓语部分。因为如果是真正的从句谓语的话,应该是这样写的--"model is adopted by many teachers".
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