The interesting thing to me about the analysis is that it doesn’t treat any of the problems confronting the food system as superior to the others---it treats the environment problem, the supply problem and the equity problem as equally important, laying out a case that they all need to be tackled at once.
主语 The interesting thing
谓语 is
宾语 that it doesn’t treat any of the problems confronting the food system as superior to the others
vt. 对付,处理;阻截
这句话是主系表句型,主语"The interesting thing","to me"可看成是主语的定语,"about the analysis"也是主语的定语,主干的系词是"is",表语是个从句--即表语从句,主语"it",谓语"doesn’t treat",宾语"any of the problems",现在分词结构"confronting the food system"做后置定语修饰宾语,"as superior to the others"可看成是宾语补语;破折号后面的是对破折号前面的部分进一步解释,由一个句子组成,主语"it",谓语"treats",宾语由三部分组成,他们之间为并列的关系---"the environment problem, the supply problem and the equity problem","as equally important"同样可看成宾补,"laying out"是现在分词作状语,也就是“既然在对待问题时互不偏袒,那自然就产生了同时解决这三种问题的方法”,发出"laying out"这个动作的主语还是"it",那么,无论是"it doesn’t"中的"it"还是"it treats"中的"it"指的都是前面已经提过的“这份报告中引起我兴趣的地方”
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