Claire Hungate, chief executive of Shed Media, says that 70-80% of that company’s profits now come from intellectual property---that is, selling formats and tapes of shows that have already been broadcast, mostly to other countries.
主语 Claire Hungate
谓语 says
宾语 that 70-80% of that company’s profits now come from intellectual property
n. 广播节目
这句话的主语是"Claire Hungate","chief executive of Shed Media"是主语的同位语,谓语"says",宾语是宾语从句"70-80% of that company’s profits now come from intellectual property",宾语从句主语"70-80% of that company’s profits",谓语"come from",可将"intellectual property"当宾语;"that"应该引导定语从句,"that"在定语从句中做主语,指代先行词"intellectual property",系词"is",这里同学们可以将"selling formats and tapes of shows that have already been broadcast"整体都看成表语,"selling"作为动名词引导整个部分,"mostly to other countries"可看成"selling"这个动作的方向,也就是状语。
Shed Media公司首席执行官莱尔·亨盖特说,公司70%-80%的利润目前来自知识产权---也就是,主要向别国出售已播节目的模式和成品。
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