As robots become more and more effective at striking targets, as these machines develop the ability to think on their own, as we begin to do the calculation that our soldiers lives are safer when a robot is in charge than when a fallible human is, well, you know, it all feels a bit like a Ray Bradbury novel come to life.
主语 it
谓语 feels
adj. 有效的,起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象
这句话的状语从句部分有点像中文的排比句---"As robots become more and more effective at striking targets",(其主语"robots",半系词"become","more and more effective"为表语,"at striking targets"可当成状语,故此句的结构更偏向于主系表)/"as these machines develop the ability to think on their own"(其主语"these machines",谓语"develop",宾语"the ability","to think"是宾语的定语,"on their"算是前面修饰宾语的定语中不定式动作的状语)/"as we begin to do the calculation that our soldiers lives are safer when a robot is in charge than when a fallible human is"(其主语"we",谓语"begin",不定式"to do the calculation"可看作宾语,"that"引导同位语从句,其解构为主系表,同位语从句主语"our soldiers lives",系词"are",表语"safer","when"引导时间状语从句,时间状语从句主语"a robot",系词"is","in charge"做表语;后面的"when a fallible human is"同样是时间状语从句,其主语"a fallible human",系词"is",表语"in charge"由于同前面的状语从句一样而被省略掉);以上为三个"as"引导的时间状语从句;"well"和"you know"都是插入语;主句"it all feels a bit like a Ray Bradbury novel come to life"。
对于主句来讲,主语"it",其他部分需要说明的是"feels"是谓语肯定无疑,但我们更应该把"feels like"放在一起去看,这样大家会更熟悉,所谓的"a bit"只是强调一下看上去“像”的程度,而在"like"后面跟着的是一个句子,其主语"a Ray Bradbury novel","come to life"是个固定习语,表达"活跃了起来";注意,若你发现在"feel like"后面加的是句子,那这个"like"相当于"as if"或者"as though"的作用,也就是"就好像"的意思。
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