“Our adult brains may get hung up on money’s poor distribution, tendency to inflate, and penchant for catalyzing strife, but that childhood longing for cash in hand still lingers in corners of the mind reserved for simpler thoughts.”
主语 Our adult brains
谓语 may get hung up on
宾语 money’s poor distribution, tendency to inflate, and penchant for catalyzing strife
单词 音标 中文词意
distribution [dɪstrɪ'bjuːʃ(ə)n] n. 分布;分配;供应
这句话的主语"Our adult brains",可将"may get hung up on"看成是谓语,宾语出现在介词"on"的后面,为多个并列在一起---"money’s poor distribution"、"tendency to inflate"(不定式做定语)、"penchant for catalyzing strife";but后的部分也是一个句子,"that childhood longing"是主语,"long for"为一个固定短语,无论是名词还是动词形式都是,当然你也可以将"for cash"看成主语的定语,"in hand"也可看作是"cash"的定语,谓语是"lingers","in corners of the mind"是状语,"reserved for simpler thoughts"是过去分词作定语修饰"mind"。
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